She seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands. --Proverbs 31:13


Still Socks

Work progresses on the sock. I feel like such a slow knitter making socks. I read about other people finishing a pair of socks in a day or two and I just don't know how in the world that could be. It will take me at least a week. I am enjoying these though, I don't do cables very often, but I do like the way they look. The pattern for these socks is done top down, but I don't like doing top down, I always start from the toe. Since I knit from left to right my cables are backwards as well, but I still think these socks are shaping up nicely. I hope the yarn is comfortable once they are done. The yarn is knitting up nicely. I think it would make absolutely beautiful baby hats and socks, and you could probably get a set done in 2 balls. I plan on getting some babyish colored yarn the next time we get back to town and find out.

Thank you for all the kind comments about the cake. We might not always have a lot of money for birthdays, but the good thing about being trained in cake decorating is that they always have a nice cake. You are going to see a lot of cakes in the next couple of months, as we have a string of 5 of them in August and September. As for the Lou's comment about him being cute, my biased mom side says, "Isn't he though??" The other day we were at the store, and Ryan said, "Mom, if someone doesn't take me to the bathroom soon my head is going to explode." I said, "Really?" because, usually, he doesn't ask to go to the bathroom in public. And without missing a beat, Ryan says "No, Mom, I was just speaking metaphorically." Now,I know I am his mom (and very, very biased) but I thought that was hilarious.

I know you are probably sick of seeing butterflies on my blog, but they keep flitting around outside the door and just tempting me to take their pictures. And when I get a nice one, I want to share it, so there you are. I thought this one was nice.

1 comment:

Lou Schiela said...

The sock is lovely. I don't knit very fast either but I think it's a very fast knitter (and one with no children to tend) that can knit a sock in a day or two.

Your story about Ryan made me laugh out loud (really!) I love it when they come up with things that seem surprisingly advanced. That's how my kids keep reminding me that they are actually growing and learning.

I will never outgrow my love of butterflies and dolphins.