She seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands. --Proverbs 31:13


Well, today was an excellant day. I haven't had so much fun in ages. I went out to Ray Farms, where I was met by Marige Ray, in her spinning/weaving studio. She was so friendly, and we spent almost 3 hours talking about fiber, a new spinning group that is going to begin meeting in Tahlequah this month, keeping sheep, and how to spin. I showed her my homemade spindle and the yarn I have managed to spin with it. Then she showed me the right way to spin, on a balanced spindle. I was babying the fiber, and Margie taught me that actually, I need to rough it up, LOL. By the time I left, I had a small skein of nice, even, thin yarn, and lots of hopes and dreams! And I am definitely going to try to swallow my shyness and go to the spinning group! Margie says I need contacts. I also found out she raises Shetland Sheep, which thrills me to no end, because that is the kind of sheep I would like to have. Margie says you need about 2 acres of fenced in land if you are keeping less than 10 sheep, so maybe...the dreams just get bigger and bigger. She sent me home with part of a shetland fleece. I figure it will keep me spinning and dyeing for a while. I have to wash it, and comb it, but at least now I feel like I know what I am doing. Oh, it's been a good day.

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